COVID-19 Update
(last updated 19-Sep-2020)
Our mission to know and share the love and grace of Christ requires knowing and living it personally and as a body... as well as understanding how best to share it with our friends, our loved ones, and our community. At this particular time in our history and location, there are a couple of ways that we can best share Christ's love and grace to those around us.
First, is to demonstrate the peace and security we have in Christ by remaining calm and trusting our Saviour who is sovereign even over the broken, decaying, and deadly things in this fallen world. By not panicking, hoarding, spreading fear or anxiety, but rather sharing with, caring for, helping, and comforting others around us. Get involved in reaching out and staying in touch with those you are physically distanced from right now. Just "hang out" on the phone or via video conferencing apps.
Second, is to love both our church members, our community, and complete strangers enough to be willing to take extreme precautions not to spread this virus to them. You may never catch this virus, or you may catch it and never present symptoms. I pray that's the case! But on the chance that any of us do catch it... looking back a year from now none of us want to recognize that we put somebody else through a painful trial - one that could lead to death for the weakest among us - simply because we didn't care enough to socially distance ourselves or wear a mask. Having people close to me who are at high risk for extreme complications or even death, it might be easier for me to keep this at the forefront of my mind. But as those who are literally Christ's active and living body present on this planet right now, we all have the responsibility to follow the lead of our head, Christ, who inspired Paul to write these words:
"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." (Phil 2:1-4)
"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." (Rom 12:10)
"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor." (1 Cor 10:24)
This post would be dozens of pages long if I laid out all of the evidence of Christ's heart of humility in serving those he loves and how he has called us to serve and love one another within his body, as well as lovingly proclaiming his good news to our communities around us.
Because of this, our local church family at LMVC has considered first the pattern of Christ and his call on us, his people, as well as, and including, the regulations imposed by local and state governments. With those things in mind, below is the current list of worship and other activities as of the date at the top of this post.
Now meeting in person following the local guidelines:
- Sunday morning worship service is meeting in the chapel with limited capacity, social distancing by households, masks, and temperature checks upon entry. Please confirm your seat in advance each week by emailing with you name and the number of adults (12 or older) and children (12 and under). If you cannot make it in person we are streaming live here:
- Waypoint is meeting outside at 6:30 on Tuesdays following social distancing guidelines with masks required. Contact Mike or Kyle or Jake for more informaiton.
Still meeting via digital format:
- Tuesday Prayer - meeting via Zoom every Tuesday at 4pm. Please contact Janet, Carrie, or Monique for more information.
- Thursday night community group is meeting online via Zoom. Please contact us for more information.
Gatherings postponed until further notice:
- Women's Bible Study
- Friday fellowship
Please call each other! Those little computers most people carry in their pockets are actually phones Call a few people each day and say hello, ask how they are, and pray for one another.
Please remember to reach out if you need anything at all! If you are self-quarantined because you are sick or at risk and you need some groceries or basic supplies, please call John and Melissa H.
If you just want to talk or pray, call any one of the members of the body. We are all here for one another!
As things change (which they are on a daily basis) we will update you with how that impacts our worship and fellowship as a local church body.